A Creative Life
Creation is my way of life. When one sees this world full of potential, where elevated awareness takes you beyond blind doors, Where lateral creativity constantly exposes new ways of sharing and understanding: when you see and understand this you will understand my way of life. My career to date spans four decades and to try and explain my works of creation, I have found after years of trying, is not possible. So I leave you with this; my creative life is constantly changing, Check in often and you will begin to understand my creative process, Share your thoughts with me, For one of the elements I love most about my creative existence is sharing.
Current Projects
Art in Progress: Marine Raiders / Navajo Code Talkers Monument
This proposed monument celebrating the stories of the Marine Raiders and Navajo Code Talkers in the Pacific in World War II is planned to be installed at Camp Leguene, South Carolina.

The German Music Teacher’s Cottage (exerpt)
This story is now available on Amazon in Paperback! Please go check it out. Please feel free to leave your comments below. I would love to hear them. Chapter 2...1940...Happsalu, Estonia ...the thought that Germany could lose the war never entered into her mind. The...

The Rose Covered Cottage
This is the second installation of posting excerpts from several books I have written. We will be posting new excerpts on-going. I would love to say monthly, but who really knows. What I do know is that these are remarkable stories that you would really enjoy. Please...

What Am I Reading in July?
This month I am re-reading The Year of the Gorilla by George B. Schaller. This book played a critical role in helping to shape my understanding of the gorilla in my research for creating the Beloved Ivan sculpture. This seminal work chronicles George B. Schaller's two...

Judith’s Gap (exerpt)
This is the first installation of posting excerpts from several books I have written. We will be posting new excerpts on-going. I would love to say monthly, but who really knows. What I do know is that these are remarkable stories that you would really enjoy. Please...

What Am I Reading?
Welcome to the first installment of What am I reading? This is an opportunity for me to share some great books and literature. Things I have read, perhaps even years ago, or things I am reading right now. These might be words eloquently written, thoughts deep and...
East of Moscow Exhibit
History Museum Welcomes Russian Art Exhibit Harbor History Museum is excited to announce the opening of East of Moscow: Russian Art Collection from the collection of Douglas Granum, artist of The Big Catch, on March 11th. Spanning the years of 1961-2007, this exhibit...
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