
Sedgwick Cemetery 1947 – Aunt Katie
Her withered old face died into a long shiny coffin We stood and watched in amazement as they took her from the North Dakota coal black hearse. We listened in obedient silence as mourners sang "The Old Rugged Cross" In that clearing surrounded by...

The Destruction of Washington State History: “Fireman’s Park Totem”
For lack of personal experience, along with profound hate and stupidity few can imagine today what great significance was bestowed on relics and objects, that are now vital voices and connections with the past. In the case of the “Fireman’s Park Totem’, this important...

Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 and Fukahara Gogaku 1730-1799
What I love most about travel is the challenge of the new. This past month I have been in France, all in Paris and Japan. In France I walked the streets endlessly, lost five pounds, ate ferociously, drank semi-modestly, made enormous discoveries. What I...