Highlights: Essays, Poetry & Stories
This month we are highlighting writings, essay, stories and poetry. Mostly written by Doug, but abvove we feature an essay by his son, Nev Granum.
Checkout additional articles in A Creative Life, Essays and History sections of the DouglasGranum.com website. Leave your comments? Do you have any interesting articles, poems or stories? Let us know!
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Articles, Essays & Stories
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The Wilson House
Architecture: The Wilson House with Pine Knoll Studios
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Paris to Tokyo on the Arc
I am flying business out of Seattle to Frankfurt, then on to Paris. Business is worth it. Leaving Seattle in a gray,...
Beloved Ivan’s Unveiling
The unveiling of the Beloved Ivan Sculpture before its installation at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.
East of Moscow Exhibit
History Museum Welcomes Russian Art Exhibit Harbor History Museum is excited to announce the opening of East of...
Ivan at the 2 Ravens Foundry
The final sculpture was cast in bronze at the 2 Ravens Foundry in Tacoma. Here are a selection of photos from that...